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November, 2005 Newsletter Contents

Terrific Features of Our New Web Site
We are very happy to announce our new web site is up and running. You are looking at it now. It is easier than ever for us to maintain and, even better, easier than ever for you to find what you are looking for. Click the link to learn more about it. Maybe you'll get an idea or two for your website...

Why E-mail is bad for you
Well no, it doesn't give you heartburn or anything. Or maybe it does. What is bad is that it has become the filing system of choice for most users. Click the link to find out more about why this is a bad thing.

ClearMail 2.5 Enterprise Now Available With Support for Notes/Domino 7
IBM.Lotus has just released the latest and greatest version of Notes and Domino. So we thought we'd release the latest and greatest version of ClearMail. Click the link to learn more about how ClearMail supports Notes/Domino 7 and other great features in the new version.

Customers Welcome!
Would you make a difference at your organization if you could make it easier for your customers to do business with you?

You already have a team of specialists for your industry. We help you and your team brainstorm how to strengthen your relationship with your customers by simplifying how they work with you. Instructional videos, web site improvements, customer service initiatives or insert your idea here.

Call us today to learn more about this fun and exciting process - 847-394-0266.